Recommended Opportunities

Bright Hope's Mission Team to Bolivia Oct 2024

Oct 10-16, 2024
El Alto, BO
16 spots left
This trip has been postponed.

Our Impact

Use the map below to explore our upcoming opportunities, past opportunities, and a variety of other points of interest.

About Us

Bright Hope envisions a world where churches transform their communities by bringing Hope for today, tomorrow and eternity to the extreme poor, while becoming self-sustainable.

We have been engaging the local church in the fight against global poverty in slums and rural communities for over 50 years. Each community we serve has its own unique needs. Yet, the one thing they all have in common is an established group of Christ-followers. These churches provide an infrastructure that, when engaged and carefully resourced, can transform the community with changed lives, hopeful people, and self-sustainability.

Through our years of experience we have seen the church be courageous in loving those considered unlovable, be generous in times of crisis, and willing to help all peoples regardless of religion, poverty level, ethnicity, gender or tribe.


People Engaged with Bright Hope International

Past Opportunities

Zambia Team with an optional safari to Chobe National Park

Jan 18-27, 2024
10 spots left